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B-School Study Material

   Full Subject Notes                                                                                                                
First Year Subjects 
  1. HRM (Human Resource Management) Link
  2. OB-1 (Organizational Behaviour) Link  
  3. OB-2 (Organizational Behaviour) Link 
  4. IGD (Individual and Group Dynamics) Link 

HR Subjects

  1. CMRM (Compensation & Reward Management) Link  
  2. HRM (Human Resource Management) Link
  3. OB-1 (Organizational Behaviour) Link   
  4. OB-2 (Organizational Behaviour) Link    
  5. ETA (Effective Talent Acquisition) Link
  6. HRP(Human Resource Planning)  Link 
  7. IGD (Individual and Group Dynamics) Link 
  8. OCD (Organization Change & Development) Link 
  9. Psychological Testing Link 
Operations Subjects
  1.  SOM (Service Operation Management)    Link
  2.  PJM (Project Management) Link
  3.  SCM (Supply Chain Management) Link


It Includes subjects under Finance Majors
Multiple files on same topic can be under different bullet. Search, Search & Search for better material

  1. Accountancy-Basics Click to Download
  2. Accounting Ratios Click to Download
  3. Analysis of Financial Statements Click to Download
  4. Cash Flow Statements Click to Download
  5. Basics of Account  Part 1    & Part 2
  6. Accounting Concepts and Conventions Click to Download
  7. Cost of capital Click to Download
  8. What is Finance Click to Download
  9. Risk and Return Click to Download
  10. Solutions cost of capital ross Click to Download
  11. EBIT-EPS Analysis Download
  12. Capital Structure Download
  13. Capital Budgeting Decision PPT1   PPT2 
  14. Pay back period & IRR  Download
  15. Leverage Theory  Solved Questions
  16. Time Value of Money Theory1 Theory2 Solved1 SolvedQn2  SolvedQ3
  17. Mutual Funds, Pension Funds, Insurance Companies, Finance Companies, and Other Financial Institutions Download
  18. Valuation methods Download
  19. IRR & NPV Download
  20. Investment Appraisal Download
  21. Hedge Funds Download
  22. FRM – Financial Risk Manager Download
  23. Strategy Download
  24. Risk Management Systems in Banks Genesis, Significance and Implementation Download
  25. Tax Impact in India and Abroad in M&A Download

   HR Material                                                                                                                           

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Subjects :
1. CMRM (Compensation & Reward Management) Link

Projects :
  1. How to Conduct Training Download
  2. Employee Referral scheme Download
  3. Successful Implementation of an Induction Program for New Hires Download
  4. Leadership Download
  5. Train the trainer Download
  6. How to Conduct Training Sessions Download
  7. The employment cycle Download
  8. Training Needs Assessment: A Systematic Approach   Download
  9. Training Feedback Form  Download
  10. Training Brochure Download
  11. Training Methods Download
  12. Best practices Download
  13. Cross Cultural Communication Skills Download
  14. Travelling expenses claim and settlement process Download 

  Operations Material                                                                                                                      

  1.  SOM (Service Operation Management)    Link
  2. PJM (Project Management) Link
  3.  SCM (Supply Chain Management) Link

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